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I began my journey with a love of Music from a very young age. Training in the piano and flute through childhood, led me to study Music as a degree. I was then led into learning the Bansuri in Varanasi, India. I learned not only about North Indian Classical Music, but Eastern approaches to understanding the self, health and basically a whole new way of life I had never experienced before. 


I first received Shiatsu after a wrist injury from piano playing. After just the second treatment, not only had my wrist improved but my body felt totally different. I began a spiritual journey into understanding myself and undoing all that was holding me back. I had repetitive health problems which my GP would prescribe antibiotics for, but I knew this could not be the only way. Through receiving regular Shiatsu, I was able to clear these problems which included, regular headaches, ice pick migraines, lymph swellings, tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, and depression. 


Through the birth of my own two children, I have learned a lot about myself and my fears. I have released trauma held in the body from abuse and also specialise in Fertility, Pregnancy and Childbirth. I have been privileged to work with Wessex Independent Midwives for over 8 years, attending births many of which have become hindered in some way (please see my pregnancy page for more information).


Working with emotions underpins all of my work. Our physical body and mind are intrinsically linked and with the right touch and understanding, old patterns that no longer serve us can be released and the body can be liberated to express its true nature.


Everything that comes along to disrupt our balance has the potential to teach us something so valuable. It is up to us to meet these challenges and use them as a tool for growth.


Greta has a practice in Buckfastleigh, Devon 

Wholesome Life Chiropractic, Ashburton, Devon

Thrive Chiropractic, Bournemouth, Dorset


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